I had the opportunity to visit Jaywalker Lodge March 6-8. Nestled in Carbondale Colorado, a haven for outdoor activities, Jay Walker strides to integrate their men into the community so as to sustain lasting recovery. Upon entering the Lodge, I was immediately welcomed. Staff unabashedly came up and introduced themselves, yet these welcomes transcend the wonderful team at Jaywalker into the entire Carbondale community who’s really supportive of the men that they come here for treatment and stay for recovery. The men attend a variety of classes in the community and access many different other services as needed. Welcome & Caring I had the privilege of meeting with staff, talking with them about some of the challenges they face with clients and their families and exploring strength based solutions. I also attended a family dinner where families came from near and far for 4 days to join up and learn about addiction and mental health and the important role they have in the recovery process. I was struck with gratitude by the caring welcome I received, the exuberance of staff and their openness to share. This was an extremely synergistic visit as I learned how robust and innovative Jay Walker […]
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